Taming a Bureaucracy Monster – Part 2


Taming a Bureaucracy Monster – Part 2

Our continuous efforts to make political noise led to the second part in our discussions about the European Supply Chain Act. Last week Mr. Ralf Seekatz, MP with the European Parliament and deputy chairmen of ECON, the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee and Ms. Jennifer Groß, MP with the state parliament of Rhinland-Palatine went to visit the MUNSCH factory.

Both guests were fully aware that even small companies like ours are affected by the immense bureaucracy involved with the new law. We all agreed that practical tools, such as blacklists the way we use them in export control today, would be a much more reasonable approach. Ms. Groß mentioned, as an example, that local ceramic industries, already strongly affected by a massive shortage of energy, would need protection from excessive bureaucracy in order to survive. This, of course, should be done in a way that keeps the original intentions of the supply chain effectively in place.

Mr. Seekatz emphasized that his group will vote against the law, in case the EU Commission refuses to improve the draft in the interest of SMEs. Especially the liability clause has need for change, he said, for the actual draft is an open invitation for law industry to send out warning notices en masse.

Munsch appreciates this political engagement even more so as the European market has been the most important for the company in years.

We also took the opportunity to present our newest R&D project to the politicians, the development of a high temperature centrifugal pump. The project was co-founded by the EFRE, the Regional Development Fond and enables us to develop energy efficient pumps for an even larger range of industries.

A big thank you to Ms. Groß and Mr. Seekatz for the friendly and open discussion. To both of you we wish all the best for your political work and your efforts in supporting our region.

Jenny Groß Ralf Seekatz final